Release 200.008.000
For the release 200.008.000 of maxflow® purchase order, which we published in November 2021, we have made various small changes and corrections in addition to the following functions.
Transaction for Translation of Texts of the Text System
Previously, translations had to be done by the customer via Excel files that were sent to him. After translation, these were returned and a corresponding transport was generated. To optimize this translation process, we have created a new transaction that enables the customer to translate texts from the maxflow® purchase order text system themselves. When the transaction is called, a pop-up is displayed to select the source and target language of the translation. After confirming the language selection, the user is asked whether only logged texts or all text system texts should be translated. Additionally, a text logging setting has been added to the general settings. If the setting is active, all texts that are determined from the text system are logged.
Order Term in the Monitor Inbox
The use of classification terms, which are also used in SAP Business Workplace, makes it easy to select the various tasks. These classification terms are now also available in the maxflow® purchase order monitor inbox, where documents can be selected by their classification term.
Supplementation of the Supplier Data
In the monitor and in the header data module, in addition to the fixed supplier number and the supplier designation, the additional designation, the sort key, the postal code, the city and the country of the fixed supplier are now also available. These additional fields improve the display of the supplier data and the differentiation of related suppliers.