Process Electronic Invoices Efficiently
maxflow® interface eInvoice and maxflow® interface connector
With maxflow® interface eInvoice, incoming invoices in ZUGFeRD and xInvoice format can be received and processed digitally, cost-effectively and in a user-friendly manner. The various XML formats are automatically converted, a readable document is generated and all data is forwarded to our SAP interface.
By using this format, media discontinuities are avoided, the processing procedure is accelerated, and lay times and transaction costs are reduced to a minimum. Despite fully automated processing, maximum transparency and control over the process is ensured.
The way in which an invoice file is transmitted from the invoicing party to the recipient (e.g. e-mail) is completely up to the invoicing party. To meet this requirement, the maxflow® interface connector is part of maxflow® interface eInvoice.
Digital Invoice Exchange Conveniently via EDI
maxflow® interface EDI
In order to reduce processing costs, many companies have reached an agreement with their suppliers that incoming invoices will be sent directly to their own SAP system via EDI. With the standardized import interface maxflow® interface EDI, electronic invoices can be exchanged quickly and conveniently between ERP systems.
The fully automated exchange of invoices avoids time delays, long postal routes, shipping costs and manual intermediate steps. maxflow® interface EDI is the right solution if mass data is to be exchanged in regular business relationships.
Automated Processing of G/L Account Documents
maxflow® invoice management G/L
In many companies, little attention is paid to the audit of G/L account documents, even though large amounts of money are sometimes transferred here as well. Due to the financial risk, such postings should never be made without being checked. Incorrect postings or other errors usually result in a great deal of time-consuming and costly effort.
To solve these problems we have developed maxflow® invoice management G/L, which is an extension (add-on) of maxflow® invoice management.
With our solution, G/L account documents can be efficiently checked and released in a digital workflow process. All postings are clearly available at all times, creating maximum transparency. Independent release processes can be defined for G/L account documents that are independent of incoming invoices. The number of approval levels as well as the responsible processors can be flexibly controlled in order to smartly adapt the process to all company-specific requirements.
Intracompany Clearing between Company Codes
maxflow® internal billing
It is customary at many enterprises that the subsidiaries of a corporate group send each other invoices. In this process, the invoices are often generated within a sender company code group, printed out, and sent to the recipient company code group by post. The invoices are then scanned in and partly recorded manually at the recipient. Working with paper-based invoice documents, however, is not practical anymore for modern enterprises. The manual processing and archiving of paper documents often drives up costs.
To optimise and digitalise this process, the maxflow® internal invoicing solution has been developed. It facilitates the automated transmission of the invoice data of the sender company code group to the recipient company code group without media discontinuity, and also create the incoming invoice without manual intermediate steps. With this format, invoices can be exchanged between company codes electronically, quickly and conveniently.
Process Sales Orders Digitally in SAP
maxflow® interface sales order
maxflow® interface sales orders represents an extension (add-on) to the standardized import interface maxflow® interface, with which sales orders can be received and processed in addition to incoming invoices. Furthermore, the solution includes complete monitoring of the process steps performed for all processed sales orders as well as the proven validation interface for manual intervention in the process. Also this processing procedure can be customized to meet company-specific requirements.