Purchase Requisitions Process in SAP
- Acceleration of the procurement process through automated work steps.
- Reduction of process costs.
- Optimal transparency and traceability of the individual steps.
- Convenient capture through integration of catalogs and online shops.
- Web connection for non-SAP users.
- Completely integrated in SAP.
Consistently Efficient Procurement Processes
Digital PReq: More transparency and efficiency in the purchasing process.
For purchasing departments in many companies, the process of processing purchase requisitions and investment applications is still a time-consuming procedure today. The processing of a procurement request is associated with high costs, takes a long time and the process is sometimes inconsistently regulated. In addition, tracking the procurement application is very cumbersome.
Our software solution maxflow® procurement solves these problems and automates the processing procedure. Lean and efficient processes are created, which massively relieve the purchasing department and reduce the processing and waiting times to a minimum. We optimize and shorten your workflows optimally without losing structure and orientation. Our product can be individually adapted to any customer needs, resulting in a tailor-made solution. We pay special attention to highest usability and fast implementations.

Smart Capture and Supplier Catalogs
Users work in their familiar system environment and can enter requirements data either conveniently in the SAP system (SAP user) or via user-friendly websites (non-SAP user). Catalog systems or web shops can be connected via an OCI interface. The goods purchased there from the shopping basket are automatically transferred to an SAP-purchase requisitions. Classic material and free text items can also be entered without the integration of catalog systems.
By using our product-specific entry mask, the purchase requisition can be entered in a user-friendly way and the process can be made much more flexible. After completion of the release, these are converted into an SAP-purchase requisition to be used in the regular procurement process of SAP.

Contact Us
Would you like to learn more about our solutions? We will be happy to help you.
Beck IT GmbH
Fürstenzeller Str. 60
94036 Passau
Office hours:
Monday to Friday
8.00 am till 5.00 pm
Highlights of the Smart Purchase Requisition (PReq) Workflow
PReq is also known as: Demand notification, purchase requisition, procurement request, requirement notifications, demand requirements.
Digitize your procurement management and save valuable resources in strategic purchasing through efficient processes, because complex and time-consuming processing is a thing of the past.
Digital Procurement Management (Purchase to Pay Process)
With the introduction of maxflow® procurement with already existing installation of maxflow® purchase order and maxflow® invoice management, the entire process from purchase requisition to invoice processing is usefully supplemented. This uniform process without media discontinuity (from purchase requisition to purchase order to invoice processing) is also known as Purchase to Pay (P2P). Among other things, the uniform and media-break-free process optimization relieves the respective departments of the company, accelerates the process and reduces the processing costs to a minimum.
Here you can learn more about the Purchase to Pay process.
Automatic Agent Determination with Substitute Regulation
One of the most important areas in the processing and release process is determining the responsible processor. maxflow® procurement automatically checks which employee is authorized to release work at which level and distributes the corresponding tasks. To ensure that processing does not fail due to the absence or illness of individual employees, procurement provides a sophisticated substitute concept. maxflow® procurement provides a sophisticated substitute concept. For each employee, substitutes can be maintained who take over the tasks of the substitute.
Flexible Approval Control
In most companies, the internal drawing policy for the approval of purchase requisitions provides at least a four-eyes principle. With maxflow® procurement, different and multi-level approval processes can be set, which can depend on various criteria (e.g. price, material group, plant, etc.). Extensive customizing options realize the setting of an almost unlimited variety of processes and approval scenarios.
User Friendly Overview
The monitor of maxflow® procurement offers all process participants the possibility to call up and analyze processed documents and processes. The processing and release status of purchase requisitions can be tracked seamlessly and a separate analysis provides a user-friendly overview of all documents (completed or still being processed).
Complete Transparency
To enable all steps of an order process to be traced in detail at a later date, all relevant information on each process is stored in two audit-proof logs. The process log contains details of the entire processing procedure for a document. The workflow log is the technical view of the individual processing steps in the SAP workflow.
Escalation Mechanisms
For a smooth process flow without unnecessary delays, a reminder function is automatically sent via e-mail for tasks that have not yet been processed. If required, it is also possible at any time to redistribute tasks that have already been assigned or to include individual agents in the process or exclude them from processing.
Workflow Notes and Queries
A note function is available in maxflow® procurement, which is displayed integrated in most processing steps and can be called up from the monitor. In this note function, free text can be entered as well as selected from predefined template texts.
From all processing steps, queries can be sent to other agents. The query is recorded in the form of a workflow note, which ends the task and sends the recorded query to the selected agents. The recipient can view the document data and enter a response via the workflow note. When the query is completed, the task is resent to the original agent and the process continues.