Electronic invoices: ZUGFeRD and xInvoices

maxflow® interface eInvoice

Process electronic invoices automatically in SAP

Fulfill e-invoicing obligations securely and in compliance with the law.

With maxflow® interface eRechnung , both PDF/A3 invoices (e.g. ZUGFeRD) and xInvoices (e.g. UBL, CII) can be received and processed digitally, cost-effectively and in a user-friendly manner.

Our solution automatically checks electronic invoices for all mandatory legal and company information in accordance with §14 UStG and supplements these on the basis of SAP master data. It also checks other legal requirements, such as EN16931 and CIUS rules.

An invoice image is automatically generated for xInvoices, which the clerks can check visually like a PDF invoice. If discrepancies occur during the process, the document is stopped so that the invoice data can be corrected manually and easily. The invoice image is then saved in the archive (via SAP ArchiveLink) and an SAP document is created from the structured XML data.

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Support for
international invoice formats
(e.g. Austria, Romania)
Visualization of the invoice screen
for XInvoices
Validation of the electronic invoice against legal guidelines
(e.g. EN16931 and CIUS rule)
Dark booking in the background
without manual intervention
User-friendly verification
in case of discrepancies
Automated import of e-invoices from e-mail mailbox, file systems, etc.

Our Reference Customers

Many well-known companies from various industries rely on our solutions.

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Receive Electronic Invoices from Any Source

The way in which an invoice file is transmitted from the invoicing party to the recipient (e.g. via e-mail or via a directory) remains completely flexible. To support this, the maxflow® interface connector is a central component of the solution. The connector monitors the relevant systems and regularly checks whether new electronic invoices have been received. As soon as an e-invoice is recognized, it retrieves it, checks it for compliance with legal requirements (e.g. EN16931 and CIUS rules) and visualizes an invoice screen for received xinvoices. After successful validation, the e-invoice is automatically forwarded to the SAP system.

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What is a ZUGFeRD invoice?

A ZUGFeRD invoice is an electronic invoice as defined by the legislator and enables invoice data to be stored in a structured manner so that this invoice can be further processed by machine. ZUGFeRD invoices initially look like conventional PDF invoices, but the attachment contains structured invoice data in XML format for further processing. The maxflow® interface Connector decouples the XML from the PDF and transfers both files to the SAP system or to our SAP interface maxflow® interface eRechnung.

What is an xInvoice?

The XRechnung is also an electronic invoice format and complies with the European standard EN16931, but unlike the ZUGFeRD invoice, the XRechnung does not provide an invoice image, only the structured invoice data in XML format. The maxflow® interface Connector automatically generates an invoice image from the XML data so that the clerks have the option of displaying the invoice visually in the respective workflow steps.