Invoice Workflow
Release 400,018,000
Release 400.018.000 of maxflow® invoice management is now available. In the new release, both the Fiori application and the responsive design web interface have been further optimized. Furthermore, we have made corrections and further adjustments.
Release 400,017,000
In June 2024, we completed and published the new release 400.017.000 of maxflow® invoice management. In addition to the optimization of CPD vendors, the invoice receipt book was also expanded. Further changes and corrections were also made.
Release 400,016,000
The new release 400.016.000 of maxflow® invoice management was completed and published in November 2023. During development, substitution care and the display of cross-company code transactions were optimized, among other things. In addition, our web connection now adapts to the respective device size (responsive design).
Release 400.015.000
Release 400.015 000 for maxflow® invoice management is now available. In the new release, in addition to performance optimizations and more flexible escalation functions, the revision control has also been improved. In addition, further changes and corrections have been made.
GPA NRW Approval of the Technical Program
Both our invoice workflow and our SAP interface have been approved by the Municipal Auditing Institute of North Rhine-Westphalia in the latest versions since 01.03.2023.
Certification for SAP S/4HANA Version 2022
Once again, we have had our invoice workflow and SAP interface certified by the SAP Integration and Certification Center for the latest SAP S/4HANA version 2022 under the name maxflow® finance.
Release 400.014.000
In October 2022 we have completed and published the new release 400.014.000 of maxflow® invoice management. In addition to many smaller optimizations, the new correspondence function, for example, allows direct communication with suppliers by mail - completely without media discontinuities.
Release 400.013.000
Once again we are proud to announce a new release of maxflow® invoice management. The release 400.013.000 was completed and published in May 2022. During the development, among other things, the adjustment of the posting period was automated and the agent determination was extended and optimized.
Certification for SAP S/4HANA Version 2021
We are pleased to announce that our system solution maxflow® finance has been certified by SAP Integration and Certification Center on December 07, 2021 for the latest SAP S/4HANA version 2021 for cloud and onpremise deployment.
Release 400.012.000
The new release 400.0012.000 of maxflow® invoice management was published in November 2021. In addition to the following functions, various small changes and corrections were also made in the new version to further improve maxflow® invoice management and to continue to offer our customers the system solution for efficient processing of incoming invoices in the SAP environment.